Bro K Shyam Kishore

I strongly believe that we can change our circumstances by the Power of our Mouth. All the promises are yea and amen in the LORD. So we need to confess the promises according to our need and see them being fulfilled in our lives. Knowledge is Life but ignorance kills. So equip yourself with the Knowledge of GOD and break away from the bondage of darkness." Claim and Possess ".JCNM VISION "The Acts of The Apostles", the Vision on which JCNM started has spread far and wide.

 The Signs and Wonders of the Apostles has been a constant inspiration to reach out to the masses. The Resurrection Power of JESUS CHRIST and the Mighty Anointing of the Holy Spirit work together for the Glory of the Almighty GOD. The powerful and varied testimonies speak of the Acts of the Apostle of the new generation - K. Shyam Kishore. An achievement entirely on the Grace of JESUS and the works of the Holy Spirit. Each act of deliverance is by the Righteousness of GOD in CHRIST. We who are made Righteous by the Blood of CHRIST have a right to enjoy Good Health and Wealth. 

The Gospel of the finished work of CHRIST on the Cross is being taught to the believers. The Grace of GOD through JESUS Himself is being revealed to the people. The undeserved Grace is flowing freely reaching to even the most condemned sinners. The radical approach to teach Grace and to treat every person righteous is resulting in a following of people who believe in their righteousness without condemning themselves. A commendable feat of the Holy Spirit in Baptizing 10,000 believers at one instance speaks of the teachings of JCNM! To break away from Law and grow in Grace is the principle of Confidence. A path breaking practice of JCNM in allowing people of all ages to participate in the Holy Communion has seen the transformation of many, healings of great diseases and blessings unlimited! 

The multitudes who are in the clutches of Satan are being delivered. The teachings in store for the Church of the latter days has been revealed to JCNM. According to the dispensation of the present days, the Vision "No Sickness, No Lack and Death Under Our Feet" has been unfolded by JCNM to the World. The Preacher of Grace K. Shyam Kishore, in teaching the Pure Grace of CHRIST has taught the believers to be pioneers of delivering themselves and delivering others

A very powerful message by Bro. Shyam Kishore about FORCE OF THE WORD OF GOD, Every Christian and non christian must listen to the message